Alzheimer’s of Central Alabama (ACA) is a local organization that provides education, services, advocacy, and research for caregivers and patients living in the 21 counties across central Alabama. ACA can provide 2 cases of continence products (with gloves and wipes if available), shipped to your home if you have an emergency need for assistance for a loved one with dementia who requires continence care. Apply online at or call (205)871-7970
Assisted Living and Nursing Home Care During Covi-19, ACA webinar TODAY at 1 pm CT. Registration required. CEUs available for nurses and social workers.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) is Monday, June 15. Join the webinar, Upholding Justice for Older Americans at noon. Hear from experts at the Administration for Community Living, National Center on Elder Abuse, Elder Justice Initiative at the Department of Justice, Social Security Administration, Security and Exchange Commission, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the National Center on Law & Elder Rights. Hear how they are each addressing the current impact of COVID-19 on older adults and how they are prioritizing their needs.
Virtual BREAK Meeting, June 15, 10 – 11 am. Breath In. Relax. Enjoy life. Appreciate All. Know rest is vital. Sponsored by Alabama Lifespan respite. Email
Caregiving During Changing Landscapes: Coping with Caregiving during Covid-19, with Dr. Nicole Ruggiano, Thursday, June 18, 10 – 11, on zoom. RSVP by June 17,
How Diet May Impact Dementia and Cognitive Decline AFA webinar, Tuesday, June 23rd, 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. with Thomas M. Holland, MD, MS of Rush University.
The Central Alabama Aging Consortium and Dementia Friendly Alabama are hosting Caregiver Facebook Live Events every Friday afternoon at 1 pm. Topics include COVID 19, activities during isolation and dementia resources.
Be Brain Powerful® LIVE is a weekly virtual event series by UsAgainstAlzheimer’s. Each week they are hosting a new episode with a different expert, presenting the best ways to promote brain health and stay engaged. These episodes are free, streaming LIVE on Facebook and Zoom, every Wednesday at 5:00 pm. If you’d like to register: click here.
Zoom Support Groups available online:
- West Alabama Area Agency on Aging, Caregiver Support Group, Tuesday, June 16, 2 – 3:30 pm. Contact Nikki Poe,
- CJFS CARES, Thursday evenings, 7:30 pm contact Pam Leonard,
- Lakeside Hospice, 1st Tuesday of each month, 2:00 pm, and 2nd Thursday of each month, 6:30 pm, contact Bit Thomaston,
- Founders Place at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Tuesday’s at 10 am, contact Susan Logan,
- Briar Glen, Monday’s at noon, contact Ramsi Wilkes,
Alzheimer’s News:
Since the birth of the Respite Ministry in 2012 at First United Methodist Church in Montgomery, the global narrative of dementia care began to change. This model of Respite is now thriving in 4 Birmingham area congregations. The respite programs are mainly staffed with volunteers. Director Daphne Johnston says the volunteers have started a friendship revolution. “In the Respite care environment everyone is a volunteer. Everyone needs help. Everyone is needy because he or she needs to either receive help or give help.” Congratulations to Daphne Johnston on the release of her new book, “Reclaiming Joy Together: Building a Volunteer Community of Real Hope for Those with Dementia.”
A large new study found that stress-related disorders are tied to an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The findings lend further proof to what doctors have long suspected: stress is bad for the brain. They also underscore the potential importance of stress relief in helping to mitigate the onset of Alzheimer’s, A large new study found that stress-related disorders are tied to an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The findings lend further proof to what doctors have long suspected: stress is bad for the brain. They also underscore the potential importance of stress relief in helping to mitigate the onset of Alzheimer’s.
Persistently engaging in negative thinking patterns may raise the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers say ‘repetitive negative thinking’ (RNT) is linked to subsequent cognitive decline as well as the deposition of harmful brain proteins linked to Alzheimer’s. RNT should now be further investigated as a potential risk factor for dementia, and psychological tools, such as mindfulness or meditation, should be studied to see if these could reduce dementia risk.
The Jefferson County Commission Community & Senior Services Division is providing free fans to eligible people over age 60 who reside in Jefferson County. Call Dedra Lewis, 205-325-5567.
Does the Dementia Gene Double Covid-19 risk? A new study suggests that people with two copies of ApoE4, one of the largest genetic risk factors for Alzheimer’s, have more than double the risk of getting a severe COVID-19 infection. But other researchers heed caution against drawing conclusions too soon. Learn more about a study linking the novel coronavirus and ApoE4. Learn more
The Alabama Department Senior Services (ADSS) is drafting their 2021 – 2024 State Plan on Aging. You are invited to read and provide feedback. The goal is to submit a plan that is focused on continuing serving senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and caregivers over the next four years. Through coordination and collaboration with partners, we believe this plan focuses on ways to confront challenges in the state and to create potential solutions to help those we serve live at home with dignity and independence. Email your comments to:
The Alzheimer’s Disease Research Semipostal Stamp earned over $1 million for NIH funded dementia research. It is no longer for sale, due to regulations.However, of the 500 million stamps originally printed, the Postal Service, at the urging of Congress, has retained their unsold inventory of 491.8 million Alzheimer’s stamps. Alzheimer’s advocate, Lynda Everman is asking us to write to encourage the sale of the stamps be continued. See her attached letter as an example.
Is your loved one living in a nursing home. AARP wants to hear from you. AARP is fighting to protect vulnerable seniors in nursing homes, assisted living, and other long-term care facilities from sickness, isolation, and neglect during the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to hear your experience
ACA is partnering with LifeBio to create The Memory Project: Reminiscing Made Fun: Here’s a truly engaging activity that the whole family can enjoy, even from a distance. Today is the day to begin to record your life story or your family member’s story. LifeBio helps people ask the right questions to bring out the best memories and stories with the ultimate goal of creating a lasting and priceless legacy. Visit to learn more and receive a discount. ACA scholarships are also available.