Thank you for donating to Alzheimer’s of Central Alabama. To make a one-time donation such as a memorial please use the form below.
If you’d prefer to make a monthly contribution, please visit here. If you’d like to discuss other charitable donation opportunities, such as our endowment fund, please give us a call, 205-871-7970.
If you have questions about making a donation to Alzheimer’s of Central Alabama you can visit, a charity assessment organization that evaluates charitable organizations in the United States. This organization operates as a free 501 organization and accepts no advertising or donations from the organizations it evaluates.
From their website enter ACA’s EIN number; the form of federal tax ID that the IRS uses to identify a business for tax purposes. Enter 63-1068096 and click on “more info.” From there you will be able to view our status, assets, and our most recent IRS form 990.