Make a New Year’s resolution to join a support group:
- February 25, 11 – 12:30, 300 Office Park Drive, Suite 225
- February 25, 6:30 – 8, Trussville First Baptist Church.
Queso & Questions, Thursday, February 27, Avondale Brewery upstairs event room. This is the ACA Jr. Board’s annual education event. Dr. David Standaert, Chairman of the UAB Department of Neurology, will be our guest speaker. The event is free with a Taco Mama taco bar and beer tickets. Reservations are requested
ACES: Active Caregiver Empowerment Tools. Tuesday’s February 18 – March 10, 10 – 11:30, Brookdale University Park. See attached flyer. For more information contact Leanne Messer at or 209-613-0688.
McCoy Adult Day Care Center’s annual Rock-A-Thon fundraiser, Saturday, February 22, 10 – noon, St. Mark’s UMC, 2901 Columbiana Road. This is a rocking event where people gather together to rock in rocking chairs for donations to benefit the clients of McCoy Adult Day Care. ACA partners with McCoy by providing scholarships for 30 of their clients. For more information 205-251-2178.
Stress Busting Program for Family Caregivers, 9:30 – 11 am, for 9 weeks starting March 2, at Caring Days in Tuscaloosa. Contact Nikki Poe at
Rojo is hosting a % of sales event to raise money for ACA’s Jr. Board and research, Tuesday, March 10, 5 – midnight. Rojo is a vibrant gathering place serving Latin & American dishes. 2921 Highland Ave, Birmingham.
Ales for Alzheimer’s Saturday, March 21, at Avondale Brewery. The Jr. Board’s major spring fundraiser is a family friendly event featuring beer, food, music, a raffle and auction. All proceeds benefit ACA’s Pre Doctoral Scholars Program in Alzheimer’s Research at UAB.
The UAB School of Nursing is offering a conference, “Strategies for Preventing & Managing Difficult Dementia Behaviors”, with Rita Jablonski, PhD, CRNP, FGSA, FAAN, Friday, March 27, 8:30 – 3:30. See attached flyer.
ACA Lunch & Learn, March 31, with Christy Baynes, President and Lead Geriatric Care Manager of LifeCare for Seniors. Her presentation, “Help, I’ve Fallen & I Can’t Get Up”, will offer solutions for difficult caregiving situations. Longleaf Liberty Park, 11:30 – 1. Lunch is free but reservations are required, or 205-871-7970.
News to know:
Today is National Caregivers Day. The third Friday in February honors the health care professionals across the country providing long-term and hospice care. Thank you to all who lovingly care for our loved ones!
A February 11, 2020 Vice article focused on the work of seven photographers depicting Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and memory loss. The artists use photography to understand, process, and cope with their experience of Alzheimer’s, as well as dementia and other forms of memory loss. Some face it with a direct, documentary-style approach, while others use still life, abstraction, and other devices as visual metaphors.
The Veterans’ Library, Bedford VAMC, has created a series of five short easy to understand videos called Aging Wisely: Brain Health for Everyone.
View them here.
A February 17, 2020 Technology Networks article highlighted work from researchers at the University of Sydney who found that six months of lifting weights can slow and halt brain degeneration in areas particularly vulnerable to Alzheimer’s disease in older adults with MCI.
A February 19, 2020 Los Angeles Times op-ed by UC San Diego Associate Neurosciences Professor Hector M. González warned about the coming Alzheimer’s tsunami, especially for Latinos, who are at heightened risk for developing AD.
A February 18, 2020 News Wise article focused on findings, in a new report from Alzheimer Europe, of a collaborative analysis of dementia prevalence studies and rates in Europe. According to the article, it is promising to see that healthier lifestyles, better education and improved control of cardiovascular risk factors seem to have contributed to a reduction of the prevalence of dementia. However, our report also demonstrates that the number of people living with the condition is set to increase substantially in the years ahead, which will only place greater pressure on care and support services unless better ways of treating and preventing dementia are identified.
Essay contest for teens: Hilarity for Charity is sponsoring Humans of Dementia: An Intergenerational Storytelling Contest with support from AARP, Generations United, Memory Well, and Associated Collegiate Press and National Scholastic Press Association. To be eligible, the writer must be currently enrolled in high school or college in the U.S. or Canada and the story must feature someone currently living with or who has passed away from Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia. Learn more on the Humans of Dementia submission webpage. The deadline is March 13. Humans of Dementia: An Intergenerational Storytelling Contest with support from AARP, Generations United, Memory Well, and Associated Collegiate Press and National Scholastic Press Association
Did you know? Planet Fundraiser is an app that lets you give back to non-profits, schools, and groups simply by taking a picture of receipts from merchants you already shop at. You shop and participating merchants donate to the charity of your choice.
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