Alzheimer’s of Central Alabama support group, Tuesday, June 25, 11- 12:30, 300 Office Park Drive, Suite 225. For a complete list of support groups,
Trussville First Baptist Church support group, Tuesday, June 25, 6:30 – 8.
Legal Bootcamp: End of Life Planning, Thursday, June 27, 11 – noon, with one on one sessions to follow. An M4A event for caregivers, 205-670-5770.
The Brain Health Institute (BHI) ( will provide a free, confidential memory screening July 2, from 12:30 – 2:00. Screenings last 10 minutes and consist of a series of questions and tasks designed to gauge memory, thinking, and language skills. Results will not yield a diagnosis and/or replace consultation with qualified health care provider but can provide guidance for further evaluation and treatment. 3125 Independence Drive, Suite 114 in Homewood. Call 205-757-8947 for an appointment.
Stress Busting Program for Family Caregivers, 90 minute, 9 week course offered by the West Alabama Area Agency on Aging, Centerville, AL.Starts July 11, at 2. 205-333-2990 or
Live Life in Full Bloom, Ombudsman Seminar, July 16, 9 – 3:30, at the Costal Alabama Community College in Thomasville. Miller Piggott, ACA executive director will speak on caregiving and dementia. See attached flyer.
Caregiver Conference, Wednesday, July 17, 9:30 – 1:30, United Way of Central Alabama Auditorium, 3600 8th Avenue South, Birmingham. This is a United Way of Central Alabama Area Agency on Aging event. Call 205-458-3330 or 1-800-age-line.
Join Mike Oliver for the 3rd annual Mike Madness, July 20th at the UAB Recreation Center, and help raise money for Lewy body dementia. Mike Oliver is opinion columnist who covers health and life issues and his battle with Lewy body dementia for and on his blog Lewy Body is the second leading cause of dementia behind Alzheimer’s disease. To learn more
A Break to Educate, July 25, 10 – 1, Northside Medical – Training Room, Pell City. An M4A event for caregivers, 205-670-5770. See attached flyer.
Alzheimer’s of Central Alabama Lunch & Learn, Tuesday, July 30, 11:30 – 1 pm, Somerby, St.Vincent’s 119,Your Life, Your Legacy with Marvin A. Chandler. Chandler will be offering advice and guidance on making final arrangements. He is retired from the US Army as a LTC after 23 years of service. He is a Family Service Counselor with Ridout’s Valley Chapel and a funeral director. He has been with Dignity Memorial for nine years. See attached flyer. Lunch is free, but reservations are required,
Glow for a Cure, Alzheimer’s of Central Alabama’s Night Golf Tournament, Friday, August 2, presented by the Jr. Board. See attached flyer.
News to know:
Celebrate Independence Day with Alzheimer’s of Central Alabama! Help deserving families caring for an Alzheimer’s patient by sponsoring a July 4th Picnic Basket with your donation of $25! Each basket will be hand delivered to a family caring for an Alzheimer’s patient by an ACA volunteer. Over 70% of those we serve have monthly income of less than $1,500, making a basket of food a welcome site! Visit to make a donation of $25 to sponsor a basket. Your donation can be made in honor or memory of someone you love.
The Department of Drug Discovery and Development of Harrison School of Pharmacy at Auburn University is looking for volunteers to participate in a research study entitled “Does extra-virgin olive oil prevent mild cognitive impairment conversion to Alzheimer’s disease?”. The research study will look at brain function, blood biomarkers, and cognitive performance after ingesting olive oil for six months. See the attached flyer for more information and eligibility requirements or contact the research investigators at Compensation is available for your time.
Click to listen to a UAB School of Public Health Population Plug-In Podcast interview with Alzheimer’s of Central Alabama, executive director, Miller Piggott.
Click to read a report released today that finds that supplements to preserve or boost memory or cognition aren’t worth the plastic they’re bottled in. The study was conducted by the AARP-founded Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH) — a working group of top neurologists, nutritionists and researchers. “Supplements for brain health appear to be a huge waste of money for the 25 percent of adults over 50 who take them,” says AARP Senior Vice President for Policy Sarah Lenz Lock.
Don’t forget to dementia proof your home just like you would if you were caring for an inquisitive child. The family of a Tuskegee man who had dementia is suing after he died from ingesting a detergent pod. Check out these tips on home safety for a person with Alzheimer’s. from the National Institute on Aging room-by-room checklist.
Learn more about on –line registries and ways to support dementia research:
- Cleveland Clinic Healthy Brains Registry (nationwide)—take an online brain health assessment and learn about brain health studies.
- Alzheimer’s Prevention Registry (nationwide)—get information and updates about participating in future Alzheimer’s prevention trials.
- GeneMatch (nationwide)—enroll to get matched to Alzheimer’s genetics studies.
- Brain Health Registry (nationwide)—sign up for an online study of brain health and learn about possible research-study opportunities.
- Alzheimer Prevention Trials (APT) Webstudy (nationwide)—enroll to track memory and thinking skills and learn about Alzheimer’s trials.