Jefferson County residents can register for the Covid vaccine. Call 205-858-2221 for the Jefferson County Covid-19 Call Center. Press 1 to speak to a representative. They will get your email and phone #, ask your age and health status. You will receive a confirmation email. When you are scheduled to make an appointment, they will notify you. Let’s all get vaccinated and get back to normal!
ACA received a pair of tickets to the Super Bowl LV at Raymond James Stadium, Tampa, FL on Feb. 7, 2021, from the National Football League Referee Association. Chances to win the tickets are $15 or 5 chances for $100. A virtual drawing on zoom will be held Wednesday, January 20 at noon CT.
AFA Webinar: Coping with Covid, Thursday, January 14, noon CT. AFA offers fun, daily virtual programming! See more virtual programs at
Alabama Lifespan Respite January Webinars. Register and see their complete list of offerings at
- Men as Caregivers, January 18, 10 am, CT
- The Power of Laughter, January, 23, 10 am, CT
Zoom Support Groups available online:
- ACA’s Coffee Talk with Miller & Vance, Tuesday, January 12, 11 – noon CT. Call (205) 871-7970 or Join us on zoom:
- CJFS CARES, Mondays at 1:30 pm, contact Pam Leonard,
- Founders Place at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Tuesday’s at 10 am, contact Susan Logan,
- Pell City, 1st Tuesday of each month, 2:00 pm, contact Bit Thomaston,
- West Alabama Area Agency on Aging, Caregiver Support Group, Tuesdays, contact Nikki Poe,
- Leeds, 2nd Thursday of each month, 6:30 pm, contact Bit Thomaston,
- Asbury United Methodist Church every other Wednesday at 11:30, contact Maggie Dunaway at
- CJFS CARES, Thursdays, 7:30 pm, contact Pam Leonard,
Alzheimer’s News:
CNN’s Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta says it’s not only important to find a way to stay active in 2021, but to put more focus on the control center of the body: our brain. According to Dr. Gupta, everything else is derivative from that. You’re much more likely to improve all other aspects of your health if you start with your brain health. If for no other reason, you’ll have better judgment. You’ll make better decisions about the other things in your life that affect your health, such as how you nourish your body.Sanjay Gupta on How to Keep Your Brain Sharp | Next Avenue
ACA’s weekly email often relies on Being Patient for the articles we include. Here’s a round-up of some of their most popular articles from 2020. Lots of good reading for a cold winter day!
· Being Patient Patient Perspectives 2020. Check out the list. >>
· Our Top Stories of 2020. Revisit some of our biggest 2020 stories. >>
The first coronavirus outbreak in the US happened in a nursing home in February of 2020. Since then 120,000 nursing home workers and residents have died.
Check out 2 research opportunities for professional caregivers:
· Nicole Ruggiano, PhD, MSW, Associate Professor & DSW Program Director, UA School of Social Work has a project to learn how to develop technologies to improve access to services for people with dementia and their families. She wants to interview providers for about an hour and you will receive a $35 e-gift card for your time. See attached info.
· Research Study for nursing home workers to understand how to offer better support. Phone/zoom interviews with nursing home staff members who care for people with dementia. To quality, participants need to be at least 18 years of age and work in a nursing home (any position) in the Birmingham area. Participants will receive a $25 giftcard for their time and the interviews take 30-60 minutes. UAB Department of Sociology, or 205-934-0565. See attached info.
AFA’s Teens for Alzheimer’s Awareness College Scholarship Essay Contest is an annual competition for college-bound high school seniors. Applicants are asked to write a 1,200 to 1,500-word essay that describes the impact of Alzheimer’s disease on themselves, their families or their communities, and what they have learned in light of coping with the brain disorder. The grand prize winner receives $5,000, with additional prizes awarded for runners up. 2021 Essay Submission Deadline: Monday, February 15, 2021. Alzheimer’s Foundation of America | <AFA’s Teen Scholarship Essay Contest> (